September 20, 2015

The Secret World (TSW) Egypt (Sabotage): The Living Oil

I personally think this is the easiest sabotage mission I've come across so far. There is very little need for engaging mobs. I honestly think I only engaged four that were sitting on the date shipments.

Tier 1-2: Go to the factory and destroy trucks. They're clearly marked on the maps. Get your ninja skills on and duck and weave the mobs and the security lights. I approached from the outer perimeter.

Tier 3: Destroy Dates that are Ready for Shipment. Your map will point the way. When you see it, avoid the light by standing under it. Then click on the shipment to destroy it. Then your map will point you to the next one. Take the roads as much as possible to avoid the mobs in the bushes. I just killed the guards and destroyed the shipment.

Tier 4: The Fresh Stuff. Take the roads and avoid mobs until you get to the guarded Arch. Kill them and move in. Again, dodge mobs and kill the guards and destroy the dates.

Tier 5: Ewwww. I circled the mound swarming with bugs and went to the dilapidated building behind it. There's an oil drum there. Click it and you dump the oil. Click it again and you light the oil thus destroying the threat.

Warning! There is a golem "Seething Mass" that walks through the area and directly through the building. You can wait for him to pass or engage.

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