September 22, 2015

The Secret World (TSW) Egypt: From Carthage to Cairo (Sabotage)

Tier 1: Go to the location on your map and enter the building. The entrance is on the west side. Then go to the roof. Pick up the phone and check the messages by clicking on it in your inventory. There's a nearby letter to read for more info.

Go to the location on the map and enjoy the cut scene. Run around to try and find Saiid. Eventually you'll get a message on the phone.

Tier 2: Follow your map to the abandoned butcher shop and enter. This is where it gets challenging. You need to run right, jump a laser, and get to the middle avoiding the motion lights. When you're safely in the middle wait for the next light to rotate to allow you to get to the dark corner. Then make your way to the door for the next room.

Room 2. You need to go right and avoid the lasers. Then left until you reach a clear area. Turn right and watch the camera until it turns on and off. Figure out the timing. When it goes off rush behind it to click a switch. The switch progresses the story. Just let it kill you.

Remember the first camera in the first room. There is an unlocked door under it now. Enter it and proceed to kill the guards and rescue the man in the cage by clicking the cage's lock. Also, near the door is a switch to disable all those cameras. :/

Tier 3: Check the phone for more info. Follow your map to the next location. Avoid cameras and mobs. Then follow the trail of blood when you locate it. It leads to a badge at 270, 248. There's a mob there praying at a burning corpse on a pole. Click the badge then check the phone again.

Tier 4: Go to the location on the map. Keep going to the back. The mission will update. Click Hassan for another update. Use the laptop to activate the detonators then defend him. The detonators are more of a hassle. Use the mortar to the right. It'll one hit the large groups. It takes 2 blasts for the pairs. Be ready to spam it.

After it's done click the phone to complete the mission.

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