September 20, 2015

A Revolving Door

I'm back again. Thankfully my internet is a lot better. A stiff breeze limited my gaming options. I'm going to add more quests and important info. I'm glad that folks are still finding what I have useful. I come back quite a bit for brief quest reminders for my alts. There have been a lot of changes. Those ridiculous coins have been streamlined into Black Bullion. That means you can go to your faction vendors or the Sunken Library (Scenarios) to get purple equipment. I like to hang around Soloman Island until I can wield at least QL 9 gear. It let's me get a solid build or two going. I decided to go with the Tokyo Desperado Build as my survival/DPS. I can drop the drone and shake and bake to add Deadly Aim and Breaching Shot to have a solid DPS build for dungeons while I farm SP/AP for my second build. I'm comfortably running Soloman Island Elites this way. My second build (healer) is also up and running. I'm just getting the boring stuff out of the way so I can enjoy Egypt and not feel held back. That's just my approach. My current character is Ozwind. Say hi some time and we can compare notes or do some runs. I'm still learning and I'm a patient person. Most of us playing TSW are good players. Hope to have some new info for you soon.

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