September 26, 2015

The Secret World (TSW) Egypt: The High Cost of Dying

The High Cost of Dying

Tier 1-5: Go to the cave using your map. Enter and click on the alter. Approach the fragment and a mini-boss appears. Defeat it to claim the fragment.

Rinse and repeat for the other fragments. There are some trash mobs floating around too.

Tier 6: Return to the alter to assemble fragments. Defend your position while it assembles.

Leave the Archive and  locate the next alter and click it.

The Secret World (TSW) Egypt: Live Free, Die Hard (Sabotage)

Tier 1: Accept the quest and pick up the explosives next to Nassir. Then examine the map in the tent across from him.

Tier 2: Follow the map to the first sentry. Kill him. And so on. Also, click on the radios if they're there.

Tier 3: You can do this and only have to deal with two groups of mobs. I highly recommend doing the garage first. Behind the garage is an electrical box. Click it to disable the cameras. Then just North of the garage is a forklift. Use it and run back behind the garage to circle around to the front. The mobs went to inspect the alarm. Plant the bombs and get the rest done.

After they're planted climb the ladder to access the last one. You can sneak by the nearby mob and the camera to get to it. Time a run across the jets of steam and find that perfect spot between the jets to set the last of the explosives. The foreman has decided to stop drinking his coffee and make the rounds. You can't let him detect the bombs. Face South and drop off the building, you should land almost right on top of him. Take him out.

Tier 4: Sprint across the bridge to detonate.

September 24, 2015

The Secret World (TSW) Egypt, Black Sun, Red Sand Tier 2-3

Tier 2: Go to coordinates 630,378. You'll see NPCs going toward a door marked with Aten's symbol.

Kill cultists to collect an outfit to sneak in. Click on it in your inventory to add it to your uniforms. Go to your dressing room and uniforms to wear the Atenist's Garb. Then enter via the door. Take the secret passage on the left. Eventually, you'll find your way to a cut scene.

Tier 3: Keep your distance and follow the man in the suit to the next cut scene. He ends up at 557,370.

Then follow your map to the Marya camp, where Nassir is dancing with a rifle. Defend it and follow the prompts to another cut scene and to move on to Tier 4.

September 22, 2015

The Secret World (TSW) Egypt: From Carthage to Cairo (Sabotage)

Tier 1: Go to the location on your map and enter the building. The entrance is on the west side. Then go to the roof. Pick up the phone and check the messages by clicking on it in your inventory. There's a nearby letter to read for more info.

Go to the location on the map and enjoy the cut scene. Run around to try and find Saiid. Eventually you'll get a message on the phone.

Tier 2: Follow your map to the abandoned butcher shop and enter. This is where it gets challenging. You need to run right, jump a laser, and get to the middle avoiding the motion lights. When you're safely in the middle wait for the next light to rotate to allow you to get to the dark corner. Then make your way to the door for the next room.

Room 2. You need to go right and avoid the lasers. Then left until you reach a clear area. Turn right and watch the camera until it turns on and off. Figure out the timing. When it goes off rush behind it to click a switch. The switch progresses the story. Just let it kill you.

Remember the first camera in the first room. There is an unlocked door under it now. Enter it and proceed to kill the guards and rescue the man in the cage by clicking the cage's lock. Also, near the door is a switch to disable all those cameras. :/

Tier 3: Check the phone for more info. Follow your map to the next location. Avoid cameras and mobs. Then follow the trail of blood when you locate it. It leads to a badge at 270, 248. There's a mob there praying at a burning corpse on a pole. Click the badge then check the phone again.

Tier 4: Go to the location on the map. Keep going to the back. The mission will update. Click Hassan for another update. Use the laptop to activate the detonators then defend him. The detonators are more of a hassle. Use the mortar to the right. It'll one hit the large groups. It takes 2 blasts for the pairs. Be ready to spam it.

After it's done click the phone to complete the mission.

September 20, 2015

The Secret World (TSW) Egypt, An Uneasy Alliance:

Tier 1: The python is outside the shop by the potted plant. Click it. It'll slither off, just ignore it and use your map. Start hoofing it to the location marked.

Tier 2: Click the body and get ready for an ambush. Then follow the black wisps to a bunch of cultists. This quest is really just an excuse to up your body count.

Tier 3: Destroy the alter and cultists and move on.

Tier 4: Carve a bloody path until you reach the alter with green lights. Destroy it.

Tier 5: Leave no survivors then destroy the alter and anything else that might appear from thin air. You've got the rest.

The Secret World (TSW) Egypt (Sabotage): The Living Oil

I personally think this is the easiest sabotage mission I've come across so far. There is very little need for engaging mobs. I honestly think I only engaged four that were sitting on the date shipments.

Tier 1-2: Go to the factory and destroy trucks. They're clearly marked on the maps. Get your ninja skills on and duck and weave the mobs and the security lights. I approached from the outer perimeter.

Tier 3: Destroy Dates that are Ready for Shipment. Your map will point the way. When you see it, avoid the light by standing under it. Then click on the shipment to destroy it. Then your map will point you to the next one. Take the roads as much as possible to avoid the mobs in the bushes. I just killed the guards and destroyed the shipment.

Tier 4: The Fresh Stuff. Take the roads and avoid mobs until you get to the guarded Arch. Kill them and move in. Again, dodge mobs and kill the guards and destroy the dates.

Tier 5: Ewwww. I circled the mound swarming with bugs and went to the dilapidated building behind it. There's an oil drum there. Click it and you dump the oil. Click it again and you light the oil thus destroying the threat.

Warning! There is a golem "Seething Mass" that walks through the area and directly through the building. You can wait for him to pass or engage.

A Revolving Door

I'm back again. Thankfully my internet is a lot better. A stiff breeze limited my gaming options. I'm going to add more quests and important info. I'm glad that folks are still finding what I have useful. I come back quite a bit for brief quest reminders for my alts. There have been a lot of changes. Those ridiculous coins have been streamlined into Black Bullion. That means you can go to your faction vendors or the Sunken Library (Scenarios) to get purple equipment. I like to hang around Soloman Island until I can wield at least QL 9 gear. It let's me get a solid build or two going. I decided to go with the Tokyo Desperado Build as my survival/DPS. I can drop the drone and shake and bake to add Deadly Aim and Breaching Shot to have a solid DPS build for dungeons while I farm SP/AP for my second build. I'm comfortably running Soloman Island Elites this way. My second build (healer) is also up and running. I'm just getting the boring stuff out of the way so I can enjoy Egypt and not feel held back. That's just my approach. My current character is Ozwind. Say hi some time and we can compare notes or do some runs. I'm still learning and I'm a patient person. Most of us playing TSW are good players. Hope to have some new info for you soon.