Tier 1: Go to the location indicated on the map. The building is on lockdown and you need to get in. There is a ladder on it's right side. Climb. Click the switch, and sprint down to the 1st floor to the next switch. Activate the switch. The switch turns off cameras for 30 seconds. Grab the polaroid off a table and leave the way you entered..
Tier 2: Go to the drop off point. The next location is also highlighted. It's the locked building with 2 mules out front. Go behind the building until you see a set of crumbled wall on your left (across from a well and 2 villagers under an umbrella). Climb. Cross the roof to the stairs and descend. There is a door with laser beams. If you go around the side you can click it's switch through the window. Your goal is the computer down stairs. Watch the laser beams and access the computer for option 4. Avoid the light at the bottom of the stairs. If you sprint through the left one from the rear there is a blind spot. If you get caught get near the computer out of the light and wait for the 3 guards to appear. Take care of them, get the info. you came for and leave through the front door.
Tier 3: There is a building NE of the target it has a dome like mini tower near it. On the roof is a dead sniper and a rifle. Use the ladder on the side of the building to climb up and then click the rifle to snipe the target. Afterwards...flee. Case closed.
Note: I chose the easiest way to off the target. The harder way requires climbing, killing guards, cutting cables. I'm too lazy for that.
Posting ladder location for anyone else that chooses this route.
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