July 28, 2012

Dawning of an Endless Night Tier 10/11

1. Enter the building. Gather the artifacts from the 1st and 2nd floor. The "secret" entrance is in open office at the end of the hall on the first floor. Click on the floor. Now you need the code to get in: 1)Star of David 2)Masonic symbol 3)The Eye 4)Skull 5)Templar cross

2. You don't have to kill anything at all. You can even avoid the mini bosses. I'm pretty much just going to attach a map with the necessary path. The exit requires you to light up the four marks on the ground. Everyone says there is a specific way but I stepped on only two marks and triggered it accidentally. I'll leave that one for you. The rest is cake. BTW I am by no means an artist. Hint: The green line is your route. The blue is the carpet.

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