July 31, 2012

The Secret World (TSW) Egypt: Old Gods, New Tricks

Time to find the Artifacts. Use the tracker near each location.

I am attaching a map with all the artifact locations.

Tier 1-4

The first one will knock you back if you're in line of sight. So make your way to the burlap wall and click on it through the wall.

The 2nd Artifact has an AOE. Time the bursts and get in quick.

The 3rd slows. It also usually has 4 guards. Grab it.

The fourth is bursting white and purple lights. Grab it.

Tier 5: The last artifact. Grab it and the Herald appears. Start attcking him. He's going to try to run off with the artifact. Stun, slow, and kill him. Then book it to the meeting spot on the map. Get there before your courier leaves. That means sprinting through a few mobs. A courier of your faction will be there waiting for the artifacts. Click him/her. Mission complete. Kudos!

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