October 28, 2015

The Secret World (TSW) 2013 Halloween Side Mission: Spooky Stories of Solomon Island (League of Monster Slayers Treehouse)

Complete all 10 of these side missions. When you complete them you'll receive the story after turning it in. Keep the stories until they're all done. Then return to the tree house to click on Danny's notebook to assemble them. Then go to Danny to turn the book in. You'll receive a copy. Click on it to collect it and get the achievement.

Blue Mountain:

The Organ Smugglers: CDC Camp (890,700)
-Read Marianne's confession. - Go to where she spotted Davies. - Go to the NW side of the house to enter via the cellar. - Investigate the body. - Defeat 3 waves of harvesters and then Mark Davies.

The Phantom Email:   Orochi’s Camp (673,822)
- Examine Freeborn's confiscated laptop. - Go to Whale Watch's parking lot at 111, 602. - Find the smoky mirror near a dead body between the parked cars. - Go to the location marked on your map. - Place the mirror in the ring of candles and immediately do /bow, then /salute, and finally /worship. You have 20 seconds. - Killer Clown, Emptiness, or Carmen show up. Kill it and turn in.

The Lantern Man: Franklin Mansion (842,294)
- Read the story by Eleanor Franklin - Go to the center of the Moon Bog and kill The Fool's Light. There's a 3 minute timer.

Savage Coast:

The Hermit: Red’s Bait and Tackle (153,867)
- Read the story that Kyra has written. - Travel to the  Authentic Wabanaki Village in the Blue Mountain. - There will be a lore in one of the Eastern huts. Enter and kill The Hermit.

The Rogue Groundskeeper: Innsmouth Academy (267, 377)
- Read Carter's story in the library. - Go to the shack and grab some whiskey from the back of the truck. - Go to the spot marked on your map and take three swigs from the whiskey in your inventory to get drunk. - Kill The Groundskeeper


The Confession of Ellis Hill: Near Skate Park (385,745)
- Speak to the ghost and read the note that's dropped. - Locate Ellis' car. - Examine the proof and his car. Dodge the traps and leave the hanger.

The Death of Dr. Armitage: At the Skate Park (421, 656)
- Go to the red house at 453,707 (Crime and Punishment) in Savage Coast. There is a keypad next to it's cellar. - Enter the code 8237 and enter the basement. You're looking for  strongbox that also requires a code, 5731.

The Gypsy Curse: The Raven's Knock
- Read the The Gypsy's Diary. - Go to 13, 854 at the base of a cliff. -Kill Sinfoy's Spectre.

The Hiker: Police Station next to Moose.
- Read Moose's story. - Search for the Hiker at the spot marked on you map in Blue Mountain. !!Have SPRINT on!! - Follow her as she runs. She'll lead you to 375, 924. - Kill the Accomplices then The Hiker's Killer.

The Ghost of Jack-o-Lantern: See Andy. REQUIRES 5 People and 5 Pumpkins

- Go to the Pumpkin Stand at the Intersection of Kingsmouth Road and Kingsmouth Drive 420, 841. - Buy a pumpkin, collect a candle and a knife here too. Assemble all three items into a Jack-o-Lantern. It's random what you get: Sinister Jack, Evil Jack, Round Jack, Happy Jack, or Stretched Jack. - Go to the pumpkin patch. - Set up the pumpkins like the picture next to the mission. One pumpkin in the middle, the other 4 at the cardinal points. This will summon Stingy Jack. If you want World Boss Jack put the Sinister in the middle, and go clockwise placing Evil, Round, Stretched, then Happy. Be sure to announce your intention to summon a World Boss via the Event Channel. It's nice to get some back-up. Attaching a picture below.

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