October 30, 2015

The Secret World (TSW) Transylvania: Mortal Sins Tier 3 - 29 (STORY)

Tier 3: Find the Owl at 1104,994, turn on sprint and follow it until you reach 940, 550.

Tier 4: Speak with Zaha, north of Anima Leap: The Perch, and Mihas at the entrance to the Shadowy Forrest. 

Tier 5: Speak with Milosh at 833,864.

Tier 6: Go to the location marked on the map and pass through the green barrier. Enable sprint and coast through until you get to a stair case that winds up to a wooden bridge. Cross the bridge to locate the Diary. Examine the diary, kill it's owner, then examine it again.

Tier 7: Go to the marked locations to retrieve the key and church records. You can use an Anima Leap to save yourself some time and get near the crypt. The tomb is in the back of the crypt. Enter it and nab the book.

Tier 8: Needs a translator...try Anastasia south of the Shadowy Forrest Agartha Entrance.

Tier 9: Go to the Agartha Entrance to trigger Tier 10.

Tier 10: Follow the stream east to 1156, 908. Solve the puzzle and collect the water.
         3 4 X 2 X
         X X X X X
         1 X X 5 X

Tier 11: Go to the location on the map and examine the statue.

Tier 12: The statue actually points you in the direction you need to go. Try Anima Leap: Spoiled Garden. It puts you near a bridge and the Lair area. Pick a fight or /reset. You'll see ghosts traveling the river to where you need to go. Follow them to collect the Water of Death, which can only be collected if you're dead. Return to your body.

Tier 13: Return to Vlad's Tomb. This time you want the front entrance. Enter the Chapel of the Prince. Click on the hidden tomb on the right side. Enter the instance and fill the fountains.

Tier 14: Wait for the option to press (U) somewhere in the water to gather Dracula's Essence.

Tier 15: Get a rubbing of the eagle. Click the tablet under the unlit image. Exit the tomb and foil an assassination attempt. Then return to Milosh.

Tier 16-20: Speak with Octavian. Read the nearby letter. Go to Emilia. Kill a boar and set it as bait to endanger her. After the cut scene return to the tomb and enter the hidden tomb again to gather Dracula's Essence. Gather the egg.

Tier 21-22: The Messenger is running to the first latch at 980,1150. All you have to do is wait him out and select him. Then follow. He'll make several lengthy stops.

Tier 23: Emma will appear and you must follow her to 629, 640 .

Tier 24: Find The One at 940,478. Enter the cave and wait for the story.

Tier 25: Go to the location on the map. It'll be at ground level not on the rocks. You have to fight through snow golems to get there. Enter and proceed to wipe out the Royal Sadists. Then drop into the foggy area below to kill Refuse Collectors for the alter. They drop a Head, Torso, Left Arm, Right Arm, Left Leg, And Right Leg. After you have the parts assemble them on the alter to open Mara's Door. Run in for a cut scene then a battle. She keeps summoning zombies so an AOE is your friend here. She has a circle that forms around her, when it lights up and is ready to explode be sure to be behind a statue in the room. Then come out and whomp her some more. You should actually be in QL10s at this point. Running elite dungeons should have you ready for this.

Tier 26-28: Go to the breach. It's south of the Anima Leap: Chasm Entrance. Follow Emma through it all, you can sprint on through or fight. When Emma finally stops at the chasm take a leap of faith...literally jump into it.

Tier 29:Thought this would be harder than it was. There are broken generators. Depending on your choices you've made you'll have the option to repair or destroy them. The first portal takes you to one that's functioning to show you how it works. GOOD CHOICES: After that follow the lights around to generators that flicker with static. Enter those via the portal and listen to the lights as they sound off. The shoot balls of fire up when they sound off. This will help you locate the note that was broken. Find the broken link by ear and click on it to fix it. Then move on to the next generators until it tells you to find a way into the Crater. Go to the center and find the entrance and take it from there.

October 29, 2015

The Secret World (TSW) 2014 Halloween Mission: The Broadcast

You can only access 3 radios. In order to get the achievement you need to do 3 new locations each day until it's done.

Radio Locations: Kingsmouth (245,480) Savage Coast (440,765), inside Black House. Blue Mountain (205,735)at the Wabanaki graveyard. 
Scorched Desert (640,1045), the crashed plane. City of the Sun God (750,455), at the Black Pyramid. Besieged Farmlands (855,1270), church graveyard. Shadowy Forest (840,605), next to a graveyard crypt. Carpathian Fangs (640,355), at the Roman Baths. Kaidan (835,620), in graveyard.

Tier 1: Go to the location on the map and click containers until you find the Discarded Letters and use them.

Tier 2: Pick 3 radios from the locations listed above and go to them. Click on the radios and 2 ghosts spawn. They can be tough. I recommend an AOE as they appear to keep them in one location. Kill them. Inspect the radios again after killing the ghosts.

Tier 3: Listen to a voice mail from Dave Screed by clicking on the icon in the lower right corner of your screen. Then go to the laundromat in New York. Use his computer and when you get to a frequency request type “The Lonely Patriot” instead of a frequency.

Tier 4: Travel to the Besieged Farmlands. There is a location marked on the map. I highly recommend using the anima well taxi option. You have to wind your way up to the observatory. I highly recommend a dead sprint until you get to the door.

Tier 5: Enter the instance. Progress forward, it's pretty cut and dry. Samhain Lore #10 is near the green toxic barrels. Collect it and move forward to engage The Presenter. There is achievement for not destroying the little PCs (radio receivers) near his spawn locations. If you decide to go for the achievement be prepared for adds. You'll have to move from room to room as he transports himself between them when you do enough damage. Don't AOE near the PCs if you're going for the achievement. Kill The Presenter then access the computer. You can read it all but option 1 is what you need. After that check for a message from Dave Screed again.

The Secret World (TSW) 2014 Samhain Lore Locations

#1  Kingsmouth, (236,483) In the back of the Kingsmouth graveyard.
#2  Savage Coast, (444,770) In The Black House on the second floor.
#3  Blue Mountain, (182,764) At the Wabanaki graveyard.
#4  Scorched Desert, (654,1071) North of the crashed plane.
#5  City of the Sun God, (762,475) In front of The Black Pyramid.
#6  Shadowy Forest, (850,613) In the Draculesti Graveyard.
#7  Carpathian Fangs, (635,361) At the Roman Baths.
#8  Kaidan, (834,608) In the Hamani Graveyard.
#9  (375,370) In the Laundromat in NY.
#10 The Lonely Patriot (Instance), (275,342) In The Lonely Patriot instance.

October 28, 2015

The Secret World (TSW) 2013 Halloween Side Mission: Spooky Stories of Solomon Island (League of Monster Slayers Treehouse)

Complete all 10 of these side missions. When you complete them you'll receive the story after turning it in. Keep the stories until they're all done. Then return to the tree house to click on Danny's notebook to assemble them. Then go to Danny to turn the book in. You'll receive a copy. Click on it to collect it and get the achievement.

Blue Mountain:

The Organ Smugglers: CDC Camp (890,700)
-Read Marianne's confession. - Go to where she spotted Davies. - Go to the NW side of the house to enter via the cellar. - Investigate the body. - Defeat 3 waves of harvesters and then Mark Davies.

The Phantom Email:   Orochi’s Camp (673,822)
- Examine Freeborn's confiscated laptop. - Go to Whale Watch's parking lot at 111, 602. - Find the smoky mirror near a dead body between the parked cars. - Go to the location marked on your map. - Place the mirror in the ring of candles and immediately do /bow, then /salute, and finally /worship. You have 20 seconds. - Killer Clown, Emptiness, or Carmen show up. Kill it and turn in.

The Lantern Man: Franklin Mansion (842,294)
- Read the story by Eleanor Franklin - Go to the center of the Moon Bog and kill The Fool's Light. There's a 3 minute timer.

Savage Coast:

The Hermit: Red’s Bait and Tackle (153,867)
- Read the story that Kyra has written. - Travel to the  Authentic Wabanaki Village in the Blue Mountain. - There will be a lore in one of the Eastern huts. Enter and kill The Hermit.

The Rogue Groundskeeper: Innsmouth Academy (267, 377)
- Read Carter's story in the library. - Go to the shack and grab some whiskey from the back of the truck. - Go to the spot marked on your map and take three swigs from the whiskey in your inventory to get drunk. - Kill The Groundskeeper


The Confession of Ellis Hill: Near Skate Park (385,745)
- Speak to the ghost and read the note that's dropped. - Locate Ellis' car. - Examine the proof and his car. Dodge the traps and leave the hanger.

The Death of Dr. Armitage: At the Skate Park (421, 656)
- Go to the red house at 453,707 (Crime and Punishment) in Savage Coast. There is a keypad next to it's cellar. - Enter the code 8237 and enter the basement. You're looking for  strongbox that also requires a code, 5731.

The Gypsy Curse: The Raven's Knock
- Read the The Gypsy's Diary. - Go to 13, 854 at the base of a cliff. -Kill Sinfoy's Spectre.

The Hiker: Police Station next to Moose.
- Read Moose's story. - Search for the Hiker at the spot marked on you map in Blue Mountain. !!Have SPRINT on!! - Follow her as she runs. She'll lead you to 375, 924. - Kill the Accomplices then The Hiker's Killer.

The Ghost of Jack-o-Lantern: See Andy. REQUIRES 5 People and 5 Pumpkins

- Go to the Pumpkin Stand at the Intersection of Kingsmouth Road and Kingsmouth Drive 420, 841. - Buy a pumpkin, collect a candle and a knife here too. Assemble all three items into a Jack-o-Lantern. It's random what you get: Sinister Jack, Evil Jack, Round Jack, Happy Jack, or Stretched Jack. - Go to the pumpkin patch. - Set up the pumpkins like the picture next to the mission. One pumpkin in the middle, the other 4 at the cardinal points. This will summon Stingy Jack. If you want World Boss Jack put the Sinister in the middle, and go clockwise placing Evil, Round, Stretched, then Happy. Be sure to announce your intention to summon a World Boss via the Event Channel. It's nice to get some back-up. Attaching a picture below.

The Secret World (TSW) 2013 Samhain Lore Locations

#1  497,896  Savage Coast
#2  393,66   Savage Coast
#3  348,663  Blue Mountain
#4  803,913  Blue Mountain (during The Organ Smugglers)
#5  82,605   Blue Mountain
#6  373,745  Kingsmouth
#7  888,562  Blue Mountain
#8  257,122  Kingsmouth
#9  19,846   Kingsmouth
#10 238,238  Savage Coast (during The Death of Dr. Armitage)
#11 374,938  Blue Mountain

The Secret World (TSW) 2012 Samhain Lore Locations

#1  136, 156 Voodoo Shop, London
#2  In crypt during The Meowling
#3  Inside The Cat God Dungeon
#4  297, 504 Kingsmouth Cemetery
#5  706, 420 At the beach during The Meowling.

October 27, 2015

The Secret World (TSW) Kingsmouth: Dead Air (Investigation)

You need to locate the antenna. It's on the roof of a building between the quest giver and the highlighted area. The goal is to locate it's serial number and find the components to repair it. Find it's plate and get the serial number then go to the highlighted areas to find duct tape, a wire hanger, and a vacuum tube. Then return to the antenna to repair it. It'll give you a bit of morse code which translates to coordinates 712, 536. Be prepared for a fight. Kill the mercenaries and get your health back up before approaching what was dropped.

The Secret World (TSW) Kingsmouth: A Sacred Place

Tier 1: The Church's parking lot has the required zombies. Get their attention and run into the church.

Tier 2: Activate the Wards counter clock wise.

Tier 3: Go to the highlighted areas and click the fences.

Tier 4: Your wards make something angry. Kill it.

Tier 5: After you activate the final ward a hulking creature comes out to kill you. Kill it.