February 7, 2016

The Secret World (TSW) Blue Mountains: Treasure Hunt (Side)

Tier 1: Pick up the metal detector and the shovel. Use the metal detector. You need to locate and dig at 5 locations. Locate and dig in this order: 641,989   675,985   660,970   615,960   580,960.

Tier 2: More digging. Again locate and dig in this order: 485,960   445,965   415,950   405,910   440,925 (Prepare for a battle.).

Tier 3: Use the scroll and find another location (283,927). Stand in the center of the pillars and use the Gaia's root. The rest is cake.

The Secret World (TSW) Blue Mountains: The Filth Amendment

Tier 1: Use the van's terminal to get the information. Options 1 then 4 will get some progress. Your goal is The Quarry.

Tier 2: We're looking for a tablet on one of the prisoners. Target and kill Ellri Seaweavers then select their prisoner without tabbing to update the quest. When the quest updates then kill the filth prisoner. He'll drop a tablet. Pick it up for more info.

Tier 3: In order to force Subject Zero to crawl out of his hole, you'll have to destroy the giant claws surrounding the huge center pod. There's four of them. He'll appear once they're destroyed. Kill him and be done with it.

The Secret World (TSW) Blue Mountains: Win Win (Investigation)

Holy SP Batman! Yup this one is worth the repeat, especially if you managed to get your hands on a boost.

Tier 1: Go to the communication hub and get ready to input several times. First select option 1. Enter the following: 1st: 145 2nd: 55 3rd: 11011000 4th: 21322314. Then enter 1 and enter to move on to tier 2.

Tier 2:Go to the van and access the terminal marked on the map. Again enter 1. Enter the following: 1st: 110 2nd: 885 3rd: 113 4th: 2584. The enter 1 and press enter again.

Tier 3: Locate the mole. It's marked on your map. If you get caught by a drone you'll appear right next to the location. Search the mole's body and return to the compound to hack another terminal. Use your map to find it. It's in the front of the building you gassed earlier. It's a huge server. Access the terminal and go with option 1) .. Command Line. After that it's just a matter of entering 1 and pressing enter...repeatedly until you're done.