September 25, 2013

The Secret World (TSW) Kingsmouth: Men in Black Vans (Investigation)

Go to the black van indicated on the map. Access the laptop. The password is Sally.

Note the sequence provided to you. Angle your camera down and grab the beacon. You can use it or go to coordinates 557, 843. You'll need to do it alone and as so; EKT transmitter antenna –> Manifest Agitator –> PK Pulse Unit (red button).

The Secret World (TSW) Kingsmouth: The Vision (Investigation)

Tier 1: Accept the quest from the fortune teller. Go to Pyramid Pont. It's the tip of the southern penninsula past Norma Creed. Also, it's actually spelled out on the map for once. You'll receive a call.

Tier 2: Go to the large tree in Wispwood for the next call.

Tier 3: Go to the Agartha entrance you arrived from and wait for the next call.

Tier 4: Go tto the graveyard behind the church. Stand near the angel statue.

Tier 5: Go to Langmore Bridge and read the plaque. Proceed to cross it.

Tier 6: Do what comes naturally.

September 22, 2013

The Secret World (TSW) Kingsmouth: Digging Deeper (Investigation)

Tier 1:  Find the hidden tunnels. Go to City Hall. Examine the sidewalk and street area. There is a clickable area near the entrance steps. Click it. Yup it needs a key. Go to the 2nd floor of the town hall. Take a left and go through the middle door. The key is hanging on the wall of this room. Grab it. Reveal the trap door again and open it.

Tier 2: Go straight all the way to the end to the T section. Make a left and examine the book on the floor. Return to your starting point at the cross section and take the left path. At the next T section go left again. At the next T section there is a door on the right covered by webs. Click the plaque and select the eye and talon.

Tier 3: Loot the coffin. Read the note and grab the artifact. Don't touch the lever. Return to the starting T section again and go to the door on the right path. Click the pyramid and the masonic symbol (the last one).

Tier 4: I had 8 friends working this one. It took a religious studies major to figure this out. >< Examine the note. WALK carefully over the letters ABYS then jump up on the S to nab it again and walk forward to the U and back to S. If you don't you're in for a nasty surprise. Proceed into the next room.
    Examine the note again. Theres also sheet music on the wall. Examine it. After a lot of trial and error click 2nd lever + A, the A to sound the note, 1st Lever + E then E to sound the note, 3rd Lever + E then E to sound the note, 3rd lever + G then G to sound the note, 3rd Lever + G then G to sound the note. Note: reset the levers after each use.
    The room on the right is now open to you. Each statue will need to be emoted to. Stand in front of them in the following order and; 1. /applaud at the discus olympian statue 2. /pray to the angel 3. /spit at the soldier and 4. /covereyes at the snake.

Tier 5-6: Enter the hall and follow it to another tomb. Examine the note next to the skeleton. Then exit the way you came in. The quest will complete once you've left the sewers.

The Secret World (TSW) Kingsmouth: The Pick-Up (Investigation)

Tier 1: See Map

Tier 2: Meet up with Cassandra. Proceed forward and take the 1st right. Avoid the lights by hugging the right wall, then the left, then the right wall again, until you get to the end of the hall.

Tier 3: Click the control box 3 times. Proceed forward and click the next control box to deactivate the lasers. Enter the room on the left.

Tier 4: Just pick a door. One has an enemy, another an uneventful entry, and the third is a surprise. It's random, contrary to what anyone says. I've done it enough to know.

Tier 5: Navigate the tiles. Again I recommend angling your camera view down for a better view. Avoid the charged ones. Pretty easy.

Tier 6: Down, Up, Down, Up. After the cut scene, exit using common sense.

September 17, 2013

The Secret World (TSW) Kingsmouth: Horror Show (Investigation)

Tier 1:
After accepting the quest from the good sheriff examine the Phone Book across the room. There are three locations highlighted; the Gas Station, Savings & Loan, and Museum.

Go to the Gas Station. Use the Trash Bin behind it to jump to the roof. The camera is in the left corner facing the pumps. Click it. Next, Go to the Savings & Loan. The camera is right above the door. Click it. Finally, go to the Museum and climb the ladder behind the building. Cross the roof to the Museum's roof. Go to the front of the building. The camera is near the American Flag.

Tier 2-3Yup. That dick. Jump down and enter the museum. Then enter the basement. Following the cut scene, you have to follow the crazy guy. Let me stress the importance of not touching lasers or letting spot lights detect you. Bad stuff will happen. On that note, proceed through the right entrance at the laser beam wall. This first room is simple. Hug the wall on your right and follow it to the switch. Click the switch to deactivate the alarms.

The next wall of lasers can carefully be navigated. Just angle your camera to look down. It'll be easier to see where you can creep through. Creep carefully.

Again there is a room to navigate on the right. This one requires a little timing. Just stay out of the spot lights. You'll know when you've been detected. It'd best to just flee the room if it happens. Wait for the all clear sign and try again. After deactivating the switch you'll be attacked by the crazy after exiting the room. Kill it! Grab the lore and click the crate of cameras. You're done here.

Tier 4: Self Explanatory. (See Your Map)

Tier 5: If you made it here and are reading this you know how to use Google. I shouldn't have to say anything. *sigh* Click the computer in the Sheriff's Office. Select the appropriate options. Yay. You're done.

Damnit to Hell

All right. I'm back. My roommate talked me into trying this again. Yup, right after I posted my I quit blurb. >< She and her fiancee started again to fill time until Wildstar comes out. I figured I could definitely give it another chance. I'm going to do a clean run with a new character for additional content. The game is awesome I'll give it that. There will probably be a crap ton of yelling again. I will do my best to add any new quests that weren't self-explanatory.